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Bana al-Abed Pens Letter on Syrian Refugees to President Donald Trump | The New York Times
Bana al-Abed Pens Letter on Syrian Refugees to Trump
Bana Alabed, 7-year-old who tweeted from inside Aleppo, safe in Turkey
The Newsmakers: Tweeting from Aleppo
Twitter trolls mock Syrian Bana Alabed
7-Year-Old Aleppo Girl Tweets Daily Struggle To Live Amid Bombings | NBC Nightly News
How a young Syrian girl’s plea for peace drew worldwide attention
Bana Alabed's full interview on Syrian attack
Tweeting Aleppo girl: 'We nearly died' BBC News
#MediaWatch: 7-year-old girl Bana becomes voice of Aleppo's besieged
7 Years Old Syrian Girl Bana Alabed Tweets About Fearsome Situation In Syria
‘Many people do not like refugees.’ | 14-year-old Syrian refugee on illegal migration